When you are considering more specific responsibilities, you will find that they tend to be varied, depending on what industry you are working in and what your expectations are. For instance, you will need to be able to analyze and rewrite computer programs using flowcharts and diagrams, and then you will need to convert these charts into a programming language that a computer can understand and process. You may find that your responsibilities are limited to only a part of this process, or you may find that you are responsible for the process from beginning to end. There is a good chance that you will also need to be able to document your work and to ensure that you can direct others on the usability of your software and what needs to go into it.
Another area that you may get into as a computer programmer is testing and revision. In some cases, you will be given code that has been created by someone else and you will need to find out where the flaws are and what can be done to make it stronger. Alternately, you may find that you are in a situation where you need to work to make sure that the programs are understandable to the people who are using them and you may need to collaborate with the people who are producing the software in order to make sure that they are going to be able to use it. Depending on your position, you may be called upon to troubleshoot your own or other people's programs and to instruct trainees on the operation of existing programs
When considering computer programming jobs, their growth and the outlook of the industry in general, you will find that you are looking at an industry that is slowing down, but by no means is it stopping. Computer programmers are employed in almost every industry, ranging from software publishing, financial institutions, governmental institutions and much more. You will find that there is a fair percentage that make their money on the basis of consultant work and a smaller percentage that are self-employed. The average amount earned by computer programmers was around $65,000 per year, with the middle fifty percent earning between $49,000 and $85,000 a year.
An important part of improving your salary and rising in your position is going to be certification. Getting certified in the programs that are used at your workplace can be a great resume booster as well as good way to get into the industry in the first place. Not only can you look at language specific certificates, but you will find that you can also take a look at voluntary certification programs in other organizations. Be aware that many advancement opportunities will put you in a management position. While some computer programmers enjoy the opportunity to manage projects and to direct programmers, others prefer to work only on computer programming itself. This is something that you should think about before you consider the possibility of employment.
When you want to make sure that you are getting the most out of your education and training, make sure that you consider where computer programming jobs can take you. There are plenty of possibilities that are open to you, so take some time and think about what computer programming might have to do with your future.